Vergessen Sie alles, was Sie über Staubsauger wissen; Dusty ist bereit, das Spiel noch eine Stufe höher zu treiben. Als Dusty musst du zusammen mit seinem Kampfgeist Sexy McClean hacken, verstecken, die Familie beschützen und den Frieden wiederherstellen.
Entwickeln Sie Ihre Strategien in einer Reihe lebendiger Umgebungen, die von einem Kreuzfahrtschiff im Sommer bis zum schwer bewachten Hauptquartier Ihres ultimativen Feindes FamilyCorp reichen.
Forget everything you know about vacuum cleaners; Dusty is ready to take the game up a notch. Playing as Dusty, together with his fighting spirit Sexy McClean, you need to hack, hide and suck your way to freedom, protecting the family and restoring the peace.
Develop your strategies in a roster of vibrant environments, ranging from a summertime cruise ship to the heavily guarded headquarters of your ultimate enemy, FamilyCorp.
The enemies differ in styles and powers so make plans accordingly. Electrocute the thieves with power outlets, trap them between sliding doors, knock them down with falling fans; there are unlimited approaches to take. Spot a lazy kitten enjoying the sunshine on the deck? Interact with that furry friend and you may release unexpected killer moves.
Follow Dusty’s epic adventure as you progress through different stages and defeat the final boss of the evil FamilyCorp. What will be the most powerful weapon for the ultimate battle? Work your way to the last stage and you will be surprised.
Play JUSTICE SUCKS in your preferred way, choose from a list of game modes in each map that offer different objectives, enemy categories and resources. Earn an “S” score and make it to the top of the leaderboard. We look forward to seeing your great performances!
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